Transforming the energy in traumatized urban spaces: Urban Alchemy.

Back in Australia, I am writing up my Churchill Report which will include lots of case studies. Here is one of them - a social enterprise that works with formally incarcerated people to build up troubled community locations. It is alchemy, and something that we could use in Australia. Many thanks to Jeff Kositsky and his amazing colleagues at Urban Alchemy in San Francisco. *** Transforming the energy in traumatized urban spaces: Urban Alchemy. The Tenderloin district in San Francisco is known as place of poverty and homelessness. Sitting right up against the city's civic centre and wealthy inner-city areas, it forms much of the reputation that San Francisco holds as being a place of deep economic contrasts and high homelessness rates. Walking into the Tenderloin, streetscapes change quickly. Rundown apartment buildings and security bars on shops. A couple of parks with new children's play equipment have tall gates and people employed to greet entrants - and probably ...