Connecting libraries and social services in Washington DC

The Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Library is in downtown Washington. Its newly renovated building is open and airy, with long lines of sight and glass windows all around. Jean Badalamenti has been the Manager of Health and Human Services at the library for more than eight years. The city government created her position – searching for social work or public health specialist – following a consistent rise in homelessness and a growing number of people with multiple and complex needs accessing the system. Jean had worked in human services and homelessness response and was given the job of figuring out what to do – looking at the whole system and working out how to help people experiencing homelessness in the library. At that time Jean started at MLK, vans would arrive at the library every morning, dropping off people when local homelessness shelters closed, and transporting them back in the evenings. That practice changed over the years, but the importance of libraries to people ex...